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기상청 제공

Lever's Histopathology of the Skin, 9th edition


Lever's Histopathology of the Skin, 9th edition



  자 : David E. Elder, Bernett L. Johnson, Rosalie Elenitsas

출판사 : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

발행일 : 2004년

페이지 : 1219 p

정   가 : 300,000원





Established for 55 years as the preeminent dermatopathology text,

Lever’s Histopathology of the Skin is now in its Ninth Edition

thoroughly updated and now illustrated entirely in full color.

With contributions from over 50 recognized experts, comprehensive

coverage of the histopathologic diagnosis of skin diseases, and up-

to-the-minute information on pathogenesis, immunohistochemistry,

and contemporary molecular techniques, this text is a must for in-

training and practicing dermatologists and pathologists.


This edition contains more than 1,300 full-color illustrations,

including photomicrographs and new clinical photographs of

dermatologic conditions and reaction patterns. The chapter on

algorithmic pattern recognition has been expanded and extensively

cross-referenced to the chapters on diseases to aid readers in

generating differential diagnoses for unknown cases.







Biopsy Technique


Histology of the Skin


Laboratory Methods


Algorithmic Classification


Congenital Disease


Noninfectious Erythematous


Vascular Disease


Noninfectious Vesiculobullous


Connective Tissue Disease


Cutaneous Toxicities of Drugs


Photosensitivity Disorders


Disorders Associated w/ Physical Agents


Noninfectious Granulomas


Degenerative Diseases


Nutritional Deficiences


Metabolic Diseases


Inflammatory Diseases of Hair Follicles, Sweat Glands, and Cartilage




Inflammatory Diseases of the Subcutaneous Fat


Bacterial diseases


Treponemal Diseases


Fungal Diseases


Protozoan Disease


Parasitic Infestations






Pigmentary disorders of the skin


Benign Pigmented Lesions...


Tumors and Cysts


Tumors of the Epidermal Appendages


Cutaneous Lymphomas


Tumors of the Fibrous Tissue


Vascular Tumors


Tumors of Fatty, Muscular, and Osseous Tissue


Tumors of Neural Muscle


Metastatic Carcinoma