2024.07.06 (토)

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기상청 제공

Practical Musculoskeletal Ultrasound



Practical Musculoskeletal Ultrasound

  •    자 : Eugene McNally
  • 출판사 : Churchill & Livingstone
  • 출판일 : 2005년
  • 페이지 : 360p
  • 정   가 : 210,000원
  • 전   화 : (02)762-9194



This book provides a guide for those wishing to obtain an understanding of ultrasound techniques, their major applications and their role in patient diagnosis and management. Offering essential guidance on how to conduct an ultrasound examination, how best to obtain optimal images, and on how best to interpret the information gained, Practical Musculoskeletal Ultrasound is a practical resource for clinicians involved in the diagnosis and management of patients with musculoskeletal disorders. Throughout the book the authors display an awareness of what does and what doesn’t work, what is or isn’t useful, and an appreciation of the role of ultrasound in relation to other imaging techniques.
*Presents an accessible overview of all clinically useful applications
of musculoskeletal ultrasound with the basic principles, techniques
and interpretation of ultrasound imaging of the musculoskeletal system.

*Directs the clinician to a quick, accurate and cost-effective method of
assessment through a focus on those areas where musculoskeletal ultrasound
has the most clinical impact.

*Balances the advantages of ms ultrasound (superficial soft-tissue injury)
with its limitations (deep or intra-articular structures)

*Provides anatomic/sonographic correlation throughout, helping the
clinician/sonographer obtain the optimal field of view.

*Uses color Doppler and color power Doppler throughout for state of
the art applications and modalities.

1. Upper limb: anatomy and technique - Eugene G McNally
2. Lower limb: anatomy and technique - Eugene G McNally
3. Ultrasound of the rotator cuff - Eugene G McNally
4. Ultrasound of the shoulder - Wayne Gibbon
5. Ultrasound of the elbow - Ian Beggs
6. Ultrasound of the hand and wrist - Stefano Bianchi, Carlo Martinoli,Michel Cohen and Nathalie Boutry
7. Imaging in developmental dysplasia of the hip - David Wilson and Jane Wolstencroft
8. Ultrasound of the hip - Eugene G McNally
9. Ultrasound of knee pathology - Lawrence Friedman and Rethy K Chhem
10. Ultrasound of the foot and ankle - Eugene G McNally
11. Ultrasound of soft-tissue masses - Simon Ostlere
12. Ultrasound of muscle trauma - Philip Robinson
13. Ultrasound imaging of joint disease - Phil J O’Connor and Andrew J Grainger
14. Doppler ultrasound in the musculoskeletal system - James Teh
15. Musculoskeletal interventional ultrasound - Eugene G McNally
16. Ultrasound of groin Injury - Philip Robinson