2024.07.06 (토)

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  • 구름조금강릉 22.7℃
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  • 구름조금울산 23.8℃
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  • 구름조금부산 25.1℃
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기상청 제공


Clinical Oncology, 3/e

  • 저   자 : Abeloff
  • 출판사 : Churchill Livingstone
  • 출판일 : 2004년6월
  • 페이지 : 2952p
  • 정   가 : 300,000원
  • 전   화 : 02-763-9188, 02-3141-5188





Clinical solutions and the science behind them... This completely revised 3rd Edition provides readers with an easy-to-use,comprehensive reference that features a clinical perspective balanced with relevant basic science. Readers will find the latest developments in basic science, pathology, diagnosis, management,outcomes, rehabilitation, and prevention. The addition of basic science editor Michael B. Kastan, MD, PhD ensures complete coverage of essential scientific information, including molecular tools in cancer research, cellular microenvironment, stem cells in cancer susceptibility genes, and more. Plus, a new templated, four-colour design with highlighted boxes and algorithms offers easy access to pertinent information. This book is also available with an accompanying website. Click on Related Titles for more information.