2024.07.06 (토)

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기상청 제공

A Case Approach to Open Structure Rhinoplasty



A Case Approach to Open Structure Rhinoplasty

  • 저   자 : Johnson

  • 출판사 : Saunders

  • 발행일 : 2005년

  • 페이지 : 704p

  • 정   가 : 360,000원

  • 전   화 : (02) 923-0992~4




Drs. Johnson and To present an innovative, case-based approach to
open structure rhinoplasty. Over 950 high-quality, intraoperative
photographs and detailed line drawings illustrate a full range of
issues associated with the 80 primary and revision cases highlighted
in the text. Coverage ranges from perioperative care and presurgical
consultation…through techniques and instrumentation. The authors
illustrate the decision-making process involved in each step of each
patient’s surgery, emphasizing the relationship between technique
and result.

New to this Edition

*Provides critical aesthetic analysis of a large number of patients
and the results.

*Highlights a wide range of surgical techniques and the decision-
making process involved in deciding how and when to employ each

*Emphasizes an individualized approach to rhinoplasty specific to
each patient’s particular anatomy and expectations.

*Offers an extensive review of cases with over 950 sharply detailed,
high-quality intraoperative photographs to strengthen understanding
of case-specific concepts and techniques.

*Illustrates a broad range of techniques, including alar base
reduction • conchal cartilage harvest • chin augmentation • dorsal
or frontal nasal augmentation  • the tripod-pedestal
Òwith Gore-Tex
concept for the lower third of the nose • spreader grafts, turn-in
grafts, cartilage and mucosal preservation of the middle vault of the
nose • and many more.

- Contents -

I. Introduction

History of Open Structure Rhinoplasty
Tripod Pedestal Concept • Bony Cartilaginous Framework vs. SSTE
• Preservation of Structure • Change Shape, Not Size • Avoidance of
• Emphasis on Technique • Learning via Experience

II. The Tripod–pedestal Concept

III. Patient Evaluation
Pre-operative Evaluation
Nasal Analysis
Tripod • Pedestal • Dorsum • SSTE
Post-operative Care and Evaluation
Taping • Kenalog Injection • Revision Surgery (Touch Up)

IV. Anesthesia

V. Open Structure Rhinoplasty—The Basic Technique
Illustrative Case
Pre-operative Analysis • Intraoperative Photos • Diagram • Post-

VI. Primary Rhinoplasty
Tension Nose
Crooked Nose
Short Nose
Minimal Rhinoplasty

VII. Secondary Rhinoplasty

VIII. Index – Primary and Secondary
Per Technique
Per Anatomic Sub-group
Per Anatomic Characteristic

Author Information

Calvin M. Johnson, Jr., MD, Hedgewood Surgical Center, New Orleans,
LA; and Wyatt C. To, MD, The Cosmetic and Surgery Center, Frederick,