2024.07.06 (토)

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기상청 제공

Pathology Book with CD



  자 : Rubin

출판사 : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

발행일 : 2004년

페이지 : 1587p

   가 : 95,000원





This comprehensive text provides a clinical approach to pathology

that makes it ideally suited to medical students.


With Rubin's Pathology students learn the foundations of general

and systemic pathology and gain a solid understanding of

pathogenesis and its relevance to clinical medicine. This new

edition of Rubin's Pathology retains the many features that make

this text compelling - up to date coverage of the molecular and

genetic foundations of pathology, distinguished contributing

authors, a student friendly writing style, along with a rich

illustration programme featuring hundreds of full colour

photomicrographs, colourful schematic drawings, tables and other

graphic elements throughout.


This edition has also been completely redesigned according to a

consistent template for each chapter, so that information can be

quickly and easily located. Even more exciting is the CD

supplement containing sample "virtual slides" - digitised

pathology specimens that students can view using state of the

art "Virtual Slice" viewer software on their computers.





1.Cell Injury




3.Repair, Regeneration and Fibrosis






6.Developmental and Genetic Diseases


7.Hemodynamic Disorders


8.Environmental and Nutritional Pathology


9.Infectious and Parasitic Diseases


10.Blood Vessels


11.The Heart


12.The Respiratory System


13.The Gastrointestinal Tract


14.The Liver and Biliary System


15.The Pancreas


16.The Kidney


17.The Lower Urinary Tract and Male Reproductive System


18.The Female Reproductive System


19.The Breast




21.The Endocrine System


22.Diabetes Mellitus


23.The Amyloidoses


24.The Skin


25.The Head and Neck


26.Bones and Joints


27.Skeletal Muscle


28.The Nervous System


29.The Eye

