2024.09.23 (월)

  • 구름많음동두천 20.9℃
  • 구름조금강릉 22.7℃
  • 흐림서울 21.7℃
  • 맑음대전 24.6℃
  • 맑음대구 25.7℃
  • 구름조금울산 23.8℃
  • 맑음광주 23.4℃
  • 구름조금부산 25.1℃
  • 맑음고창 23.7℃
  • 구름많음제주 23.0℃
  • 구름많음강화 21.1℃
  • 구름조금보은 22.0℃
  • 맑음금산 23.5℃
  • 구름조금강진군 24.4℃
  • 구름조금경주시 25.0℃
  • 구름조금거제 24.9℃
기상청 제공


[11/18~19] 제82차 대한마취과학회 종합학술대회

날짜   2005/11/18 ~ 2005/11/19

장소  제주국제컨벤션센터 3층 한라홀A, 한라홀B

[평점6 ] 18일-4점, 19일-2점



08:30~08:50 Obstetric anesthesia complication - Difficult airway management             손지선

08:50~09:10 Pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents                                                  신혜원

09:10~09:30 Neurologic complications of regional anesthesia for obstetrics                김영국

10:00~12:00 특강 - Pharmacological approach of N-M Blockers          Leonardus H DJ Booij

13:30~13:50 Workshop - Laryngoscopes for difficult Intubation                                    길혜금

13:50~14:20 Fiberoptic bronchoscope-guided intubation                                             최인철

14:20~14:50 Device-guided intubation                                                                          박재현 

14:50~15:10 Supraglottic Airway                                                                                   이종석

15:10~15:30 Discussion                                                                                                    .

16:00~16:30 Various formulations of propofol and propofol infusion system(PRIS)       민상기

16:30~17:00 Monitoring for TIVA-focused on neuromonitoring                                       강훈

17:00~17:30 Clinical use of Remifentanil                                                                       김동희

17:30~18:00 Clinical application of computer-controlled TIVA                                       정성욱


08:30~08:54 Anesthesia for Vascular Surgery -

                    Preoperative cardiac evaluation for vascular surgery                              김진희

08:54~09:18 Intraoperative monitoring and choice of anesthetics

                    during vascular surgery                                                                           조현성

09:18~09:42 Anesthesia management of carotid endarterectomy                                  정용보

09:42~10:06 Anesthesia management of peripheral vascular surgery                          임현경

10:06~10:30 Anesthesia management of endovascular repair of

                   abdominal aortic aneurysm                                                                       오영준