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기상청 제공

Braunwald's Heart Disease A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine(2 vol set)7/e(2Vols)


Braunwald's Heart Disease A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine(2 vol set)7/e(2Vols)


출판사 : W.B. Saunders

발행일 : 2005년

페이지 : 2400 p

   가 : 200,000 원





With 35 new chapters as well as comprehensive updates throughout,

the New Edition of the cardiology masterwork represents the most

complete revision to date. Hundreds of world authorities

synthesize all of the developments that are revolutionizing

practice?from the newest findings in molecular biology and genetics to the latest imaging modalities, interventional

procedures, and medications. Plus, it now features an exciting

full-color layout with many new illustrations, a brand-new section on preventive cardiology, 20 new contributors, and a wealth of e-

dition options to meet any reference need.





Part I. General Considerations of Cardiovascular Disease


- Global Burden of Cardiovascular Disease - Economics and

Cardiovascular Disease - Clinical Decision Making in Cardiology

NEW! - Measurement and Improvement of Quality in Heart Disease

NEW! - General Principles of Drug Treatment NEW! - End of Life NEW!


Part II. Examination of the Patient


- The History - Physical Examination of the Heart and Circulation -

 Electrocardiography - Guidelines Exercise Stress Testing -


Guidelines Echocardiography - Guidelines Radiology of the Heart and Great Vessels NEW!Nuclear Cardiology NEW! - Guidelines Newer

Cardiac Imaging: MRI NEW! Newer Cardiac Imaging: CT NEW! Relative


Merits of Cardiac Diagnostic Techniques Cardiac Catheterization

Coronary Angiography and Intravascular Ultrasoubnd Imaging


Part III. Heart Failure


- Mechanisms of Cardiac Contraction and Relaxation - Assessment of

Normal and Abnormal Cardiac Function NEW! - Pathophysiology of


Heart Failure - Clinical Aspects of Heart Failure: High-Output

Failure; Pulmonary Edema - Treatment of Heart Failure:

Pharmacological Methods - Management of Heart Failure - Guidelines


Treatment of Heart Failure: Assisted Circulation NEW! Heart and Heart-Lung Transplantation NEW!


Part IV. Arrhythmias, Sudden Death and Syncope


- Genesis of Cardiac Arrhythmias: Electrophysiological Considerations - Genetics of Cardiac Arrhythmia NEW! - Diagnosis


of Cardiac Arrhythmia Management of Patient with Arrhythmias - Guidelines Cardiac Pacemakers and Devices - Guidelines Specific

Arrhythmias Cardiac Arrest and Sudden Death Arrhythmias and Syncope


Part V. Preventive Cardiology


- Vascular Biology of Atherogenesis - Risk Factors for


Atherosclerotic Disease - Systemic Hypertension: Mechanisms and

Diagnosis - Systemic Hypertension: Treatment of Hypertension - Guidelines Diagnosis and Treatment of Lipid Disorders Diabetes and


Metabolic Syndrome NEW! Obesity, Diet and Nutrition NEW! Primary

and Secondary Prevention of CHD Rehabilitation NEW!


Part VI. Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease

- Coronary Blood Flow and Myocardial Ischemia NEW! - Approach to

the Patient with Chest Pain NEW! - Acute Myocardial Infarction:


Pathology, Pathophysiology and Clinical Features - Acute

Myocardial Infarction: Management - Primary Percutaneous Coronary


Intervention in the Management of Acute Myocardial Infarction

NEW! - Guidelines Unstable Angina - Guidelines Chronic Coronary

Artery Disease NEW! - Guidelines Diabetes and Heart Disease NEW!


Percutaneous Coronary and Valvular Intervention - Guidelines

Diseases of the Aorta Peripheral Arterial Diseases Extracardiac


Vascular Interventions NEW!


Part VII. Disease of the Heart, Pericardium, and Pulmonary

Vascular Bed


- Congenital Heart Disease in Children and Adults NEW! - Valvular

Heart Disease - Guidelines Infective Endocarditis - Guidelines


Cardiomyopathies Myocarditis NEW! Cardiovascular Abnormalities in HIV-Infected Individuals Toxins and the Heart NEW! Primary Tumors

of the Heart Pericardial Diseases NEW! Traumatic Heart Disease


Pulmonary Embolism Pulmonary Hypertension and Cor Pulmonale Sleep Disorders and Heart Disease NEW!


Part VIII. Molecular Biology and Genetics


- Principles of Cardiovascular Molecular Biology and Genetics

NEW! - Cardiac Regeneration NEW!


Part IX. Cardiovascular Disease in Special Populations

- Cardiovascular Diseases in the Elderly NEW! - Heart Disease in

Women NEW! - Pregnancy and Cardiovascular Disease - Guidelines

Cardiovascular Disease in Athletes Medical Management of the


Patient Undergoing Cardiac Surgery General Anesthesia and

Noncardiac Surgery in Patients with Heart Disease NEW! -


Guidelines Heart Disease in Varied Populations NEW!


Part X. Cardiovascular Disease and Disorders of Other Organ systems


- The Heart in Endocrine Disorders NEW! - Hemostasis, Thrombosis,

Fibrinolysis, and Cardiovascular Disease - Rheumatic Fever -


Rheumatic Diseases and the Cardiovascular System - Oncological Disorders and Cardiovascular Disease NEW! - Psychiatric and


Behavioral Aspects of Cardiovascular Disease - Neurological

Disorders and Cardiovascular Disease - Renal Disorders and

Cardiovascular Diseases - Autonomic Dysfunction NEW!

