2024.07.06 (토)

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기상청 제공

Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treament ,2/e



Skin Disease Diagnosis and Treament ,2/e

  • 저   자 : Thomas P. Habif, MD
  • 출판사 : Mosby
  • 출판일 : 2004년 11월
  • 페이지 : 704p
  • 정   가 : 60,000원
  • 전   화 : (02)854-2738



Specifically designed for quick reference, this full-color resource
focuses on the 250 diseases most likely seen in everyday practice.
The revised and updated 2nd Edition features practical, clear advice
on diagnosis and therapy, and includes anterior and posterior
diagrams of where diseases may be found on the body as well as
classifications of primary, secondary, and special lesions. Over 700
full-color, never-before published photographs show the classic
manifestations of disease and rarer variations. Throughout the book,
readers will also find pediatric considerations, clinical pearls, and
advice on when to refer patients to a specialist.

Key Features

*Focuses on treatment and diagnosis of common entities, offering
guidance on everyday cases.

*Features a disorders index on the inner cover, making expert
guidance fast and easy to find.

*Provides helpful appendices that cover diagnosis by body region •
lesion classification • quantity of cream to apply and dispense •
and a dermatologic formulary.

*Presents a bulleted outline format for easy reference.And much more.

New to this Edition

*Features over 700 full-color photographs—never-before published.
Weighs the importance of diseases and explains when to treat and how

*Provides coverage of pediatric skin diseases throughout.

*Highlights when to refer patients to a specialist and when urgent
action is required.

*Presents many new chapters, providing better coverage.

*Includes European drug names.

- Contents -

1. Topical therapy
2. Eczema
3. Urticaria
4. Acne, rosacea and related disorders
5. Psoriasis and other papulosquamous diseases
6. Bacterial infections
7. Sexually transmitted infections
8. Viral infections
9. Fungal infections
10. Exanthems and drug reactions
11. Hypersensitivity syndromes and vasculitis
12. Infestations and bites
13. Vescular and bullous diseases
14. Connective tissue diseases
15. Light-related disorders and disorders of pigmentation
16. Benign skin tumors
17. Premalignant and malignant non-melanoma skin tumors
18. Nevi and malignant melanoma
19. Vascular tumors and malformations
20. Hair and nail diseases
21. Neonatal disease
22. Cutaneous manifestations of internal disease
Skin Wellness
Primary, secondary and special lesions
Differential diagnosis by body region
Quantity of cream to apply and dispense
Dermatologic formulary

Author Information

Thomas P. Habif, MD, Adjunct Professor of Medicine Dermatology
Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH;

James I. Campbell, Jr., MD, MS, Assistant Professor of Dermatology
(Medicine), University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester,

Shane Chapman, MD, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH;

James Dinulos, MD, Darthmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH; and

Kathryn A. Zug, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine (Dermatology),
Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH