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기상청 제공

An Introduction to Genetic Analysis


An Introduction to Genetic Analysis

  • 저   자 : Griffiths
  • 출판사 : Freeman
  • 발행일 : 2005년
  • 페이지 : 860p
  • 전   화 :(02) 923-0992~4



For nearly three decades, from edition to edition, An
Introduction to Genetic Analysis (IGA) has evolved side by side
with genetic research, providing an experiment-based
introduction to fundamental concepts that reflects every major
laboratory and conceptual breakthrough. With authors who are
leading researchers, innovative educators, and acclaimed
writers, the book has kept pace with the dramatic expansion of
the field while finding better ways to help students learn how
to put genetics concepts to work.

Now the text that has been used by over three-quarters of a
million students returns in the most extensively revised new
edition in the book's history, once again shaping its coverage
to match current research and thinking in genetics while
providing stronger pedagogical support. The edition features a
new coauthor Susan R. Wessler (a member of the National Academy
of Sciences), dramatic new content and art, reorganized
structure, new learning tools, and state-of-the-art media and
supplements, making it the ideal text for preparing today's
students for tomorrow's genetics.

An Introduction to Genetic Analysis
Eighth Edition
Anthony J.F. Griffiths (U. of British Columbia)
Susan R. Wessler (U. of Georgia)
Richard C. Lewontin (Harvard U.)
William M. Gelbart (Harvard U.)
David T. Suzuki (U. of British Columbia)
Jeffrey H. Miller (U. of California, Los Angeles)

1. Genetics and the Organism
Contains a new section introducing model organisms
1.1 Genes as determinants of the inherent properties of
1.2 Genetic variation
1.3 Methodologies used in genetics
1.4 Genes, the environment, and the organism

2. Patterns of Inheritance
All patterns of inheritance are now in one chapterincluding
extranuclear inheritance
2.1 Autosomal inheritance
2.2 Sex chromosomes and sex-linked inheritance
2.3 Cytoplasmic Inheritance

3. The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance
A new chapter organization builds concepts logically and
For pedagogical unity, the material on chromosome
segregation in tetrad analysis of haploids has been relocated to
this chapter.
Description of all chromosome types, including organelle
chromosomes, is now in one chapter.
3.1 Historical development of the chromosome theory
3.2 The nature of chromosomes
3.3 Mitosis and meiosis
3.4 Chromosome behavior and inheritance patterns in
3.5 Organelle chromosomes

4. Eukaryote Chromosome Mapping by Recombination
All mapping is now under one roof with the inclusion of
mapping by tetrad analysis and mapping functions in this
chapter. The former special eukaryotic mapping chapter is
4.1 The discovery of the inheritance patterns of linked genes
4.2 Recombination
4.3 Linkage maps
4.4 Using the chi-square test in linkage analysis
4.5 Using Lod scores to assess linkage in human pedigrees
4.6 Accounting for unseen multiple crossovers

5. The Genetics of Bacteria and Their Viruses
Minor streamlining and reorganization to improve
5.1 Working with microorganisms
5.2 Bacterial conjugation
5.3 Bacterial transformation
5.4 Bacteriophage genetics
5.5 Transduction
5.6 Physical maps versus linkage maps

6. From Gene to Phenotype.
A new slant focuses this chapter (formerly called Gene
Interaction) on the molecular steps between genes and the
The work of Beadle and Tatum is relocated to this chapter
to make a transition from the transmission genetics of chapters
2, 3 and 4 into molecular genetics from here on.
To make this change of gear work, the chapter has been
moved so that it is now Chapter 6 instead of Chapter 4.
6.1 Genes and gene products
6.2 Interactions between the alleles of one gene
6.3 Interacting genes and proteins
6.4 Application of chi-square (X2) test to gene interaction

7. DNA: Structure and Replication
Introduces the concept of molecular machines, focusing on
the replisome. Focus on molecular machines makes it easier for
students to understand that replication requires the integration
of many events to ensure speed and accuracy.
Thorough rewriting and updating of the mechanism of
Stronger focus on the differences between prokaryotic and
eukaryotic replication, with expanded coverage of eukaryotic
7.1 DNA: the genetic material
7.2 The DNA structure
7.3 Semiconservative replication
7.4 Overview of DNA replication
7.5 The replisome: A remarkable replication machine
7.6 Assembling the replisome: replication initiation
7.7 Telomeres and telomerase: replication termination

8. RNA: Transcription and Processing
Completely rewritten, updated, and expanded description of
transcription in eukaryotes.
Better contrasts the complexities of transcription
initiation in eukaryotes with events in prokaryotes.
RNA polymerase is now presented as a biological machine in
order to better integrate transcription and processing events in
A brief discussion of self-splicing introns introduces the
concept of the RNA world ?a thread picked up in chapter 9.
8.1 RNA
8.2 Transcription
8.3 Transcription in eukaryotes

9. Proteins and Their Synthesis
For unity, the coverage of proteins has been combined into
a single chapter, including a brief introduction to proteins and
Yanofsky's proof of gene and protein colinearity from former
chapter on "genetics of gene function," now eliminated.
Thoroughly rewritten and updated description of translation
to convey the excitement surrounding the first molecular level
glimpses of the ribosome and its interactions with mRNA and
tRNAs during protein synthesis.
9.1 Protein structure
9.2 Colinearity of gene and protein
9.3 The genetic code
9.4 tRNA: the adapter
9.5 Ribosomes
9.6 Posttranslational events

10. Regulation of Gene Transcription
An all-new and expanded treatment of transcription
regulation in eukaryotes emphasizes the role of chromatin and
epigenetic mechanisms. Topics covered include:
--puzzling epigenetic mechanisms such as imprinting,
position effect variegation and X-chromosome inactivation
--the role of yeast genetics in identifying the components
of the epigenetic machinery.
--the histone code and the efforts of scientists to
understand how it leads to alterations in chromatin condensation
and gene expression.
10.1 Prokaryotic gene regulation
10.2 Discovery of the lac system of negative control
10.3 Catabolite repression of the lac operon: positive
10.4 Dual positive and negative control: the arabinose
10.5 Metabolic pathways
10.6 Transcriptional regulation in eukaryotes
10.7 Chromatin's role in eukaryotic gene regulation

11. Gene Isolation and Manipulation
Combines coverage of recombinant DNA technology in a single
chapter through streamlining and elimination of excessive
Includes new material on genetic engineering using specific
model organisms.
11.1 Generating recombinant molecules
11.2 DNA amplification in vitro: the polymerase chain
11.3 Zeroing in on the gene for alkaptonuria: another case
11.4 Detecting human disease alleles: molecular genetic
11.5 Genetic engineering

12. Genomics
Entirely reconceived, and extensively rewritten and
updated, to provide a clear, accessible view of the strategies
used to sequence genomes and to locate genes within genome
Includes new section on bioinformatics describes how
scientists are analyzing the information content of the genome.
Includes new section discussing what genome sequencing has
told us about the structure of the human genome.
12.1 The nature of genomics
12.2 The sequence map of a genome
12.3 Creating genomic sequence maps
12.4 Using genomic sequence to find a specific gene
12.5 Bioinformatics: meaning from genomic sequence
12.6 Take-home lessons from the genomes
12.7 Functional genomics

13. The Dynamic Genome: Transposable Elements
For unity, almost everything related to transposable
elements has been combined into one chapter.
The story moves into the genomics age with the remarkable
discovery from the human genome project that more than half of
our genome is derived from transposable elements.
New sections describe how transposable elements have
evolved diverse strategies to thrive in the genomes of a variety
of organisms without harming their host.
13.1 Discovery of transposable elements in maize
13.2 Transposable elements in prokaryotes
13.3 Transposable elements in eukaryotes
13.4 The dynamic genome: more transposable elements than
ever imagined
13.5 Host regulation of transposable elements

14. Mutation, Repair, and Recombination
Two chapters in the seventh edition on mutation and
recombination have been combined into a clear and concise
description of the two major processes responsible for genetic
Simplified and Streamlined descriptions of repair systems
A new section on the repair of mutagenic double strand
breaks provides a logical entry point for the discussion of
14.1 Point mutations
14.2 Spontaneous mutation
14.3 Biological repair mechanisms
14.4 The mechanism of meiotic crossing-over

15. Large-Scale Chromosomal Changes
Two chapters in the seventh edition have been merged to
make the topic less onerous and more streamlined.
15.1 Changes in chromosome number
15.2 Changes in chromosome structure
15.3 Overall incidence of human chromosome mutations

16. Dissection of Gene Function
A new chapter in IGA, Chapter 16 describes the strategies
used for forward and reverse genetics, including cutting-edge
techniques such as RNAi and other types of phenocopying.
Includes examples of screens used with several model
16.1 Forward genetics
16.2 Reverse genetics
16.3 Analysis of recovered mutations
16.4 Broader applications of functional dissection

17. Genetic Regulation of Cell Number: Normal and Cancer Cells
Revised to achieve a smoother, more easily followed flow
from concept to concept.
Includes a new section on applying genomic approaches to
cancer research, diagnosis, and therapies.
17.1 The balance between cell loss and proliferation
17.2 The cell proliferation machinery of the cell cycle
17.3 The machinery of programmed cell death
17.4 Extracellular signals
17.5 Cancer: the genetics of aberrant cell number regulation
17.6 Applying genomic approaches to cancer research,
diagnosis, and therapies

18. The Genetic Basis of Development
Includes new sections on sex determination in humans and
genomic approaches to understanding pattern formation.
18.1 The logic of building the body plan
18.2 Binary fate decisions: the germ line versus the soma
18.3 Forming complex pattern: the logic of the decision-
making process
18.4 Forming complex pattern: establishing positional
18.5 Forming complex pattern: utilizing positional
information to establish cell fates
18.6 Refining the pattern
18.7 The many parallels in vertebrate and insect pattern
18.8 The genetics of sex determination in humans
18.9 Do the lessons of animal development apply to plants?
18.10 Genomic approaches to understanding pattern formation

19. Population Genetics
19.1 Variation and its modulation
19.2 Effect of sexual reproduction on variation
19.3 Sources of variation
19.4 Selection
19.5 Balanced polymorphism
19.6 Random events

20. Quantitative Genetics
20.1 Genes and quantitative traits
20.2 Some basic statistical notions
20.3 Norm of reaction and phenotypic distribution
20.4 Determining norms of reaction
20.5 The heritability of a quantitative character
20.6 Quantifying heritability
20.7 Locating genes
Statistical appendix

21. Evolutionary Genetics
Includes new sections on genetic evidence of common
ancestry in evolution
and on comparative genomics and proteomics
21.1 A synthesis of forces: variation and divergence of
21.2 Multiple adaptive peaks
21.3 Heritability of variation
21.4 Observed variation within and between populations
21.5 The process of speciation
21.6 Origin of new genes
21.7 Rate of molecular evolution
21.8 Genetic evidence of common ancestry in evolution
21.9 Comparative genomics and proteomics

A Brief Guide to Model Organisms
Appendix A: Genetic Nomeclature
Appendix B: Bioinformatics Resources for Genetics and
Answers to Selected Problems