2024.09.23 (월)

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  • 구름조금강릉 22.7℃
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  • 구름조금울산 23.8℃
  • 맑음광주 23.4℃
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기상청 제공


[5/12,13] 대한알레르기학회 춘계학술대회

날짜   2006/05/12 ~ 2006/05/13

장소  서울대학병원 임상의학연구소 강당

12일-4점,13일-4점  (평점  8 점 )



13:10~14:00 Special Lecture : 방사선 기술을 이용한 식품생명기술 선진화-

                   식품알레르기 억제 연구 동향                      이주운(한국원자력연구소)

14:00~14:30 Adult asthma and COPD                                   이상표(가천의대 내과)

14:30~15:00 Pediatric asthma                                    한만용(포천중문의대 소아과)

15:00~15:30 Allergic rhintis                                        김성완(경희의대 이비인후과)

15:30~16:00 Atopic dermatitis                                           이애영(동국의대 피부과)

16:00~16:30 Urticaria and anaphylaxis                                  장윤석(서울의대 내과)

17:00~19:00 Poster discussion-Clinical aspects of asthma and allergic diseases  .



09:00~09:50 Special Lecture : Diagnostic and therapeutic application of proteomics

                                                                             Dr. David C. Muddiman,USA)

10:20~12:00 Oral Presentation-Clinical and pharmacogenetics of asthma and

                  allergic diseases                                                                    .

10:20~12:00 Oral Presentation-Clinical characteristics and diagnostic markers      .

16:00~17:30 2.Clinical Proteomics:atopic dermatitis           양준모(성균관의대 피부과)

16:00~17:30 3.Clinical Poteomics:asthma            임태연(순천향의대 임상의학연구소)

16:00~17:30 Symposium(Ⅱ).Proteomic approach to allergic diesases 1.

                  Clinical proteomics:present and future            이봉희(제주의대 해부학과)