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기상청 제공


[5/12,13] 제19차 대한당뇨병학회 춘계학술대회

날짜   2006/05/12 ~ 2006/05/13

장소  그랜드힐튼호텔

공지사항 12일-6점,13일-6점  평점  12 점



08:00~08:50 Oral Presentation                                                            .

08:30~09:10 2)DisMod를 이용한 우리나라 당뇨병 관리실태           이준영(고려의대)

08:30~09:10 3) 전국표본조사에 의한 우리나라 당뇨병 관리실태


08:30~09:10 당뇨병 기초통계연구 TFT 심포지움-1)2005년 전국 표본의무기록조사

                  수행 1차보고                                                           김재용(심평원)

09:30~10:30 Plenary Lecture 1 .

10:30~12:30 2)비만환자의 심리사회적 특성과 효과적인 개입방안


10:30~12:30 2)IGT vs IFG;Is the risk same?                                 김대중(아주의대)

10:30~12:30 2)β-cell apoptosis and investigation of anti-apoptotic molecules


10:30~12:30 3)비만환자의 운동요법                                           박강서(을지의대)

10:30~12:30 3)ER stress in β cells                                              송민호(충남의대)

10:30~12:30 3)Prediabetes-risk of type 2 diabetes and CVD             박이병(가천의대)

10:30~12:30 4) Hypoxic injury to β cell                                     고승현(가톨릭의대)

10:30~12:30 4)비만을 동반한 당뇨병환자의 MNT 적용사례    윤수진(순천향대학병원)

10:30~12:30 4)Prevention of T2DM in Prediabetes                                Phillip Levy

10:30~12:30 5)비만의 약물요법                                                 구본정(충남의대)

10:30~12:30 5)Alteration of beta-cell mass and islet destruction in type 2 diabetes

                     mellitus                                                          윤견호(가톨릭의대)

10:30~12:30 6)In vivo β cell Regeneration Therapy

                                                            송영득(국민의료보건관리공단 일산병원)

10:30~12:30 교육자 학술강좌-1)비만의 병태생리                         김정국(경북의대)

10:30~12:30 Beta cell in Metabolic Syndrome(English session)-

                 1)Incretins and their Clinicla Utilization 

                                                                 Karen S.L. Lam(Univ. of Hong Kong)

10:30~12:30 Prediabetes-1)Definition and Epidemiology of Prediabetes


12:30~14:10 총회 및 Poster session, Luncheon Symposium 1,2                  .

14:10~16:10 2) Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and predictive values for CVD

                      according to several criteria of metabolic syndrome Japanese diabetic

                      patients.                                           Hirohito Sone(Tsukuba Univ.)

14:10~16:10 2)한국인 당뇨병 환자의 운동특징                             민경완(을지의대)

14:10~16:10 3)보수측정계로 알아본 당뇨병 환자의 운동량 분석  장상아(가톨릭의대)

14:10~16:10 3)Insulin resistance and Metabolic Syndrome in Asian Indians 

                                                Chamukuttan Snehalatha(M.V hospital for Diabetes)

14:10~16:10 4) 당뇨병 환자에 알맞은 운동거리 및 운동시간        손태서(가톨릭의대)

14:10~16:10 4)Prevalence and risk factor analysis of Korean metabolic syndrome


14:10~16:10 5)당뇨병 환자의 운동량과 에너지 섭취의 관계      안희정(노원을지병원)

14:10~16:10 운동소연구회 심포지움-1)운동처방의 기본이해              이종삼(대구대)

14:10~16:10 Metabolic Symdrome A(English session) "Clinical Aspect of Metabolic

                  Syndrome"-1)Risk factors relating to developing metabolic syndrome and

                  early diabetes             Stephen Colagiuri(Prince Wales Hospital. Australia

14:10~16:10 Metabolic Symdrome B(English session)                                .

16:30~18:30 2)Current situation of Korean Guideline development

                                                                        Yong Seol Kim(Kyung Hee Univ.)

16:30~18:30 3)Panel Discussion                                                           .

16:30~18:30 Oral Presentation                                                              .

16:30~18:30 Symposium of the Committee of Diabetes Treatment(치료소위원회) "Development of Guideline for the Management of Diabetes Mellitus"-1)IDF Global Guideline(Why need?, How to develop?,How to use locally?)

                                                                         Plip Home(Univ. of New Castle)


08:00~09:00 Oral Presentation(English session)                                        .

08:00~09:00 Oral Presentation(Korean session)                                        .

09:20~09:40 Young Investigator Award                                                     .

09:40~10:40 Plenary Lecture2             Stephen M.Haffner(University of Texas, U.S.A)

10:40~12:40 2) Pharmacological treatment-metformin & thiazolidinediones


10:40~12:40 2)당뇨병 인지도 평가                                                      노정현(대)

10:40~12:40 3)증례 토의 1. 저체중 당뇨병 환자의 임상영양관리,2. 관리 및 간식 처방


10:40~12:40 3)Modulation of R-A-A system                              김철희(순천향의대)

10:40~12:40 4)Statin in metabolic syndrome         Anton F.Stalenhoef(Fadboud Univ.)

10:40~12:40 5)Metabolic syndrome:hypolipidemic agents toher than statin


10:40~12:40 노인당뇨병소연구회 심포지움 주제:당뇨병의 임상영양관리-

                  당뇨병환자의 영양조사 방법론                 임재연(인하대 식품영양학과)

10:40~12:40 Prevention and Treatment-1)Non-pharmacological treatment

                  (life style modification)                                            민경완(을지의대)

12:40~14:00 2)Diabetic dyslipidemia, time to control right from the start(

                                                                                  TBD,Vytorin local speaker

12:40~14:00 Luncheon Symposium 3 "New strategies for Managing Pancreatic Islet Cell Health and dyslipidemia"-1)Sitagliptin : A novel incretin Emjamcer

                                                     Russel Scott(Christchurch School of Medicine)

12:40~14:00 Poster session                                                                 .

14:00~16:00 2)한국인 당뇨병 환자의 인슐린 펌프치료                   한경아(을지의대)

14:00~16:00 3)임신시의 혈당관리                                        박혜경(일신기독병원)

14:00~16:00 4)수술전후의 혈당관리                                           박병현(원광의대)

14:00~16:00 수련위원회 연수강좌-1)소아와 청소년기의 당뇨병 관리


14:00~16:00 췌도이식소연구회 연수강좌

                                                      Shinichi Matsumoto(Fujita Health Univ.)외 3명