2024.09.23 (월)

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기상청 제공


[11/11] 대한슬관절학회 추계심포지엄


일시 : 2005년 11월 11일 (금)
장소 : 전북대학교 진수당 온고을 홀

08:00 - 08:05 : 환영사 --- 황병연 (호남슬관절연구회장)
08:05 - 08:10 : 개회사 --- 손승원 (대한슬관절학회회장)

08:10 - 09:20 : Treatment options for middle aged arthritis
moderator --- 김정만(가톨릭의대) / 최남용(가톨릭의대)
Pharmacologic intervention (8) --- 김영진(원광의대)
Arthroscopy (8) --- 최종혁(연세의대)
Cartilage resurfacing (8) --- 민병현(아주의대)
HTO (8) --- 조성도(울산의대)
UKR (8) --- 정재훈(동아병원)
TKR (8) --- 최충혁(한양의대)

09:20 - 10:10 : Special lecture I
moderator --- 인주철(대구보훈병원) / 성상철(서울의대)
Proximal tibia osteotomy: Where did you go ? (10)
Fine tuning your next total knee: computer assisted surgery (10)
--- Kenneth A. Krackow, M.D. (USA)
The Innex knee system - design rationale (20)
--- Nicholas Böhler M.D. (Austria)

10:10 - 10:30 : Refreshments in the Exhibit area
10:30 - 11:20 : Special lecture II
moderator-- 하권익(우리들병원) / 우영균(가톨릭의대)

Patella Management and Primary and Revision TKR (10)
The use of augments, stems and sleeves in management of bone defects in both primary and revision TKA (10)
---Richard E. Jones, M.D. (USA)
Kinematic CAOS Could Improve The Implant Position of
MIS TKR (20) --- Yang Chyun-Yu, MD. (Taiwan)

11:20 - 12:20 (panel discussion)
moderator --- 배대경(경희의대)
Primary TKR - How I do it ?
조우신(울산의대), 송은규(전남의대), 최원식(을지의대),
서재곤(성균관의대), 정현기(제일병원), 조세현(경상의대)

12:20 - 13:20 : Lunch

13:20 - 14:00 : Selected topics in TKR
moderator --- 조덕연(분당차병원) / 노권재(이화여대)
Conversion HTO or UKR to TKR (8) --- 김영후(이화의대)
High flexion knee (8) --- 김희천(국립의료원)
MIS TKR - Fact & fiction (8) --- 서정탁(부산의대)
Postoperative pain management in TKR (8) --- 손종민(가톨릭의대)

14:00 -15:00 ACL injuries I
moderator --- 김형순 / 이병일(순천향의대)
Tunnel positioning in ACLR (8) --- 김경택(동아의대)
ACL reconstruction with patellar tendon (8) --- 경희수(경북의대)
ACL reconstruction with hamstring tendons (8) --- 이주홍(전북의대)
ACL reconstruction with quadriceps tendon (8) --- 이명철(서울의대)
ACL reconstruction with allograft(8) --- 빈성일(울산의대)
Kinematic study after ACLR(8) --- 선종근(전남의대)

15:00 - 15:20 : Refreshments in the exhibit area

15:20 - 16:10 ACL injuries II
moderator : 손승원(계명의대) / 유정한(한림의대)
ACL deficient in middle aged arthritis (8) --- 임홍철(고려의대)
ACLR with remnant preserving method (8) --- 이병일(순천향의대)
Double bundle ACL reconstruction (8) --- 김성재(연세의대)
Failed ACL surgery (8) : evaluation & management
--- 안진환(성균관의대)
Rehabilitation after ACL reconstruction (8) --- 김동휘(조선의대)

16:10 - 16:30 : Special lecture
moderator --- 안진환(성균관의대)
Anatomical reconstruction of ACL
..... Masahiro Kurosaka, M.D. (Japan)

16:30 - 17:40 :PCL & posterolateral corner injuries
moderator --- 황병연(전북의대) / 정영복(중앙의대)

Anatomy & biomechanics of PCL & PLC (8) --- 김진구(인제의대)
Injuries of the posterolateral corner (8) --- 이범구(가천의대)
Transtibial technique (8) --- 이동철(영남의대)
Tibial Inlay technique (8) --- 정영복(중앙의대)
Two bundle technique (8) --- 전철홍(원광의대)
Failed PCL surgery: Evaluation and management (8)
--- 최남홍(을지의대)
Rehabilitation after PCL & PLC reconstruction (8)
--- 신성일(한림의대)
17:40 - 18:00 : “ 관절염교실 ” --- 최남용(카톨릭의대)
18:00 : Closure

초청 연자 :
Kenneth A. Krackow, M.D. (USA)
Professor & Vice chairman
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
State University of New York at Buffalo

Masahiro Kurosaka, M.D. (Japan)
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Kobe University School of Medicine

Yang Chyun-Yu, M.D. (Taiwan)
Department of Orthopedics
National Cheng Kung University Medical Center

Nicholas Böhler M.D. (Austria)
Head of the Orthopedic Department at the AKH Linz

Richard E. Jones, M.D. (USA)
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center