2024.09.23 (월)

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  • 구름조금강릉 22.7℃
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  • 맑음대구 25.7℃
  • 구름조금울산 23.8℃
  • 맑음광주 23.4℃
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  • 맑음금산 23.5℃
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기상청 제공


[10/2,5]제9차 아세아 오세아니아 산부인과 학술대회

날짜   2005/10/02 ~ 2005/10/05

장소  코엑스 서울

[평점24점] 2일-6점, 3일-6점, 4일-6점, 5일-6점


08:15~09:15 Detailed topic will be determined on Contraception. 외               Pak-Chung Ho 외

09:15~10:00 President's Lecture .

10:30~12:00 Hypertensive Diseases in Pregnancy - Placement Apoptosis in Preeclampsia 외

                                                                                                                        Young Ju Kim 외

12:00~13:00 Luncheon Symposium 1                                                                          .

13:00~15:00 Oral Presentation 1                                                                                  .

15:30~16:30 Controversies in the Obstetrical Management - TBD 외                  Ted Weaver 외

08:00~09:00 Perinatal Brain Damage 외                                                               Yuji Murata 외

09:00~10:00 CT Hsu Memorial Lecture                                                                         .

10:30~12:00 Prenatal Diagnosis - Application of Rapid Aneuploidy Screening for Prenatal

                   Diagnosis 외                                                                                     WC Leung 외

12:00~13:00 Luncheon Symposium 2 .

13:00~15:00 Oral Presentation 2 & Young Gynecologist Award Presentation                .

15:30~16:30 Fetal Therapy: Present & Future - Shunt Operation in Utero for

                   Fetal Anomalies외                                                                      Hye-Sung Won 외

16:30~17:30 Obstetrical Ultrasound - Fetomaternal Ultrasonography 외              Djafar Sidik 외

08:00~09:00 Laparoscopic Management of Gynecologic Cancers 외            Joo-Hyun Nam 외

09:00~10:00 SS Ratnam Memorial Lecture                                                                    .

10:30~12:00 Preterm Birth - The Genetic Aspect of Preterm Delivery 외        Jong-Chul Shin 외

12:00~13:00 Luncheon Symposium 3                                                                            .

13:00~15:00 Oral Presentation 3 & Young Gynecologist Award Presentation                 .

15:30~16:30 Miscellaneous 1 - Postpartum Hemorrhage 외             Gulardi H. Wiknjosastro 외

08:00~09:00 Detailed topic will be determined on Reproductive Endocrinology. 외

                                                                                                                            P.C. Wong 외

09:00~09:30 GB Roh Commemorative Lecture - Detailed topic will be determined on

                    Stem Research.                                                                        Shin-Yong Moon

09:30~10:30 Sponsored Symposium                                                                             .

11:00~12:30 Miscellaneous 2(Maternal Fetal Medicine) - Perinatal Team Approach for

                    Management of High Risk Pregnancies to Ensure Continuity of Quality Care 외

                                                                                                                       Kelvin KH Tan 외

 12:30~13:30 Luncheon Symposium 4                                                                          .

13:30~15:30 Oral Presentation 4                                                                                  .