2024.09.23 (월)

  • 구름많음동두천 20.9℃
  • 구름조금강릉 22.7℃
  • 흐림서울 21.7℃
  • 맑음대전 24.6℃
  • 맑음대구 25.7℃
  • 구름조금울산 23.8℃
  • 맑음광주 23.4℃
  • 구름조금부산 25.1℃
  • 맑음고창 23.7℃
  • 구름많음제주 23.0℃
  • 구름많음강화 21.1℃
  • 구름조금보은 22.0℃
  • 맑음금산 23.5℃
  • 구름조금강진군 24.4℃
  • 구름조금경주시 25.0℃
  • 구름조금거제 24.9℃
기상청 제공



           10월 13일(금) [제 1 회의장] 11:20-12:00     좌장 : 신영우

              Percutaneous Treatment of Aortic Valve Disease : Current Status and Perspectives              

Eberhard Grube /HELIOS Heart Center Siegburg, Germany


           10월 11일(수) [제 1 회의장]

           1. How to Evaluate Heart Function by Echocardiography        좌장 : 손대원,김기식

             14:00-14:20     1. Evaluation of LV Function             하종원/연세의대

             14:20-14:40     2. Evaluation of RV Function             김계훈/전남의대

             14:40-15:00     3. Evaluation of LA Function             박승우/성균관의대

             15:00-15:20     4. Evaluation of RA and Systemic Venous Function             송종민/울산의대

             15:20-15:30     5. Discussion              

           2. ANS in Arrhythmia & CPR       좌장 : 노태호,김영훈

             16:00-16:30     1. Role of Autonomic Nervous System in Cardiac Arrhythmias              

             Peng-Sheng Chen/Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, USA

             16:30-16:50     2. Catheter-Based Autonomic Denervation in Atrial Fibrillation             오세일/서울의대

             16:50-17:10     3. 한국형 심폐소생술 지침       황성오/연세원주의대

             17:10-17:30     4. Post-Resuscitation Care      박규남/가톨릭의대

              3.Cardiometabolic Disease I             좌장 : 박의현,김재형

                           Willem Remme/Sticares Cardiovascular Research Institute, The Netherlands

             09:00-09:30     2. New Hypertension Guideline in UK              

                           Adrian Brady/Glasgow Royal Infirmary, UK

             09:30-09:50     3. Combination Treatment for Dyslipidemia             서홍석/고려의대

             09:50-10:00     4. Discussion              

           4. Translational Cardiovascular Research             좌장 : 박정의,오병희

             14:00-14:30     1. Cell Cycle Regulation in Cardiac Regeneration             Loren Field/IU, USA

             14:30-14:55     2. Therapeutic Versus Pathologic Angiogenesis and Lymphangiogenesis     고규영/한국과학기술원

             14:55-15:20     3. From Endothelial Progenitor Cells to MAGIC-CELL Clinical Trial ; an example             김효수/서울의대

                          of Bench to Bedside            

             15:20-15:30     4. Discussion              

           5. Current Concept of Coronary Intervention             좌장 : 조승연,박승정

             16:00-16:25     1. Stent thrombosis in DES: The Clinical View

             Eberhard Grube /HELIOS Heart Center Siegburg, Germany

             16:25-16:50     2. Surgical or Percutaneous Coronary Revascularization: Which is the Best              

             Marcus Flather/ Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Trust, UK

             16:50-17:15     3. Left Main Intervention: PCI vs. CABG             박승정/울산의대

                            -Results from Pre- COMBAT and Prospects for COMBAT            

             17:15-17:30     4. Discussion              

           6. Heart Failure

             08:48-09:06     2. Biventricular Pacing: Current Indications and Future Directions             신동구/영남의대

             09:06-09:24     3. Circulatory Assist Device in Heart Failure             전은석/성균관의대

             09:24-09:30     4. Discussion              

           II. Current Treatment of Heart Failure             좌장 : 오병희,유규형

             09:30-09:50     5. HFSA 2006 Heart Failure Practice Guideline             김영대/동아의대

             09:50-10:20     6. Cardiac Remodeling: Mechanisms Involved and Implications for Patient Management

             Barry Greenberg/UCSD, USA

             10:20-10:50     7. Pharmacologic Management of Heart Failure              

             Barry Greenberg/UCSD, USA

             10:50-11:00     8. Discussion              

           7. Cardiometabolic Disease II             좌장 : 박영배,채성철

             13:30-13:50     1. Current Therapies for Type 2 DM             윤건호/가톨릭의대

             13:50-14:10     2. Role of Inflammatory Markers in Cardiovascular Diseases Related to             고광곤/가천의대

                             the Metabolic Syndrome: Insights From Therapeutic Interventions            

             14:10-14:30     3. Current Therapies for Obesity 유형준/한림의대

             14:30-14:50     4. Glitazones: What is Their Role in Cardiometabolic Risk Management?             차봉수/연세의대

             14:50-15:00     5. Discussion              

           10월 12일(목) [제 7 회의장]

           Key Note       

           10:50-11:10     2. Echocardiographic Evaluation of LV Myocardial Function             김수진/부천세종병원

             11:10-11:30     3. Echocardiographic Evaluation of RV Myocardial Function             김여향/계명의대

           Key Note       

           14:00-14:20     4. Overlaod Cardiomyopathy            유경희/순천향의대

              Congenital and Pediatric Disease 3             좌장: 이광숙.박영환

           Emile A. Bacha/Boston Children's Hospital

           10월 13일(금) [제 7 회의장]

              Congenital and Pediatric Disease 4              좌장: 유재현,이상호

           08:30-08:50     5. Myocadial Protection During OHS in Patients with Hypertrophied Ventricle             이상호/경상의대

             08:50-09:10     6. Reverse Remodeling in Myocardial Failure-Surgical Treatment             소동문/아주의대

              Special Lecture

           09:10-09:40     2. Hybrid Procedures in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery

             Emile A. Bacha/Boston Children's Hospital

              Congenital and Pediatric Disease 5             좌장: 윤용수,김용진

             Key Note     

           13:30-13:50     7. Management of Complications of Postoperative Central Nerve System  이해용/연세원주의대

           A Symposium on Cardiovascular Imaging

           10월 13일(금) [제 4 회의장]

           A Symposium on Cardiovascular Imaging : New Horizon of Cardiac CT & MRI"        

           I . Luncheon Seminar by Siemens Medical Solutions             Organizer Whal Lee , Korea

             12:15-12:40     1. State-of-the-Art technology in Cardiac CT             Stefan Ulzheimer, Germany

             12:40-13:05     2. State-of-the-Art technology in Cardiac MR             Gerhard Laub , Germany


             II . New Horizon of Cardiac CT & MRI         

             1. Coronary artery imaging  좌장 : 이종민,김태훈

             13:10-13:30     1. MR coronary angiography             Hajime Sakuma,Japan

             13:30-13:50     2. CT coronary angiography             Tae-Hwan Lim,Korea


             2. Plaque imaging             좌장 : 박재형,최연현

             13:50-14:10     1. MR plaque imaging             Daisy Chien,USA

             14:10-14:30     2. CT plaque imaging             Joon Beom Seo,Korea


             3. Myocardial perfusion and viability  좌장 : 이방헌,문대혁

             14:45-15:05     1. Cardiac PET & SPECT   Hee Seung Bom,Korea

             15:05-15:25     2. Cardiac Echo             NamSik Jung,Korea

             15:25-15:45     3. Cardiac MRI             Carmen Chan,Hong Kong


             4. Myocardial function 좌장 : 정남식,임태환

             16:00-16:20     1. Myocardial tagging and tissue doppler MR             Young-Jin Kim,Korea

             16:20-16:40     2. Cardiac CT             Yeon Hyeon Choe,Korea

             16:40-17:00     3. New echocardiographic techniques             Jae Kwan Song,Korea


             5. Clinical perspectives: New clinical pathway for chest pain assessment             좌장 : 박성욱,손대원

             17:00-17:20     1. Role of cardiac MRI             Kunihiko Teraoka,Japan

             17:20-17:40     2. Role of cardiac CT             Sang Il Choi,Korea

             Satellite Symposium

           [ 10월 11일 17:45 - 18:45 ]

           1. 고혈압성 심장병과 베타차단제 (종근당)      좌 장 : 신익균, 오병희

                         1) 고혈압성 심근비대의 신호전달체계       최동주 / 서울의대

                           2) 심부전에서 베타차단제 사용의 실제 (Best Way of Use)  유규형 / 건국의대

           2. Update Cardiovascular Disease Management (MSD)    좌 장 :권영주, 최경훈

                         1) Setting a New Standard in Cholesterol Management(Aborption & Synthesis)             한기훈 / 울산의대

                           2) How Does Losartan Reduce the Risk of CVD "Beyond Blood Pressure"?             서홍석 / 고려의대

           [ 10월 12일 12:30 - 14:00 ]

           3. New Frontiers in CVD Risk Management: Optimizing Outcomes in Patients with Cardiovascular Risks (화이자)             좌 장 : 신영우, 심원흠

                         1) Effects of Blood Pressure Levels on Progression of Coronary Atherosclerosis            

                           2) The Vulnerable Plaque: Evidence for Early Benefits of Statin Therapy in ACS              

                           3) Multi Risk Management Benefits Seen in Recent Clinical Trials: Interaction of Anti-hypertensive and Lipid-lowering Therapy  

                           4) discussion              

           4. Breaking the Cardiovascular Disease Continuum : New Evidence on Ace Inhibition (세르비에)      좌 장 : 최규보, 이재우

                         1) Differential Impact of Blood Pressure-Lowering Drugs on Central Aortic Pressure and Clinical Outcomes             Adrian Brady/Glasgow Royal Infirmary, UK

                           2) Secondary Prevention of Coronary Artery Disease: The Role of ACE Inhibitor Established by the EUROPA and PREAMI Studies  Willem Remme/Sticares Cardiovascular Research Institute, The Netherlands

           5. New Perspectives in the Management of Cardiovascular Diseases             좌 장 : 최윤식, 오동주


                         1) Chronic Heart Failure with Preserved Systolic Function-Past, Present and Future    John Vincent Amerena / Geelong Private Hospital, Australia

                           2) Advances in Antiplatelet Therapy for Acute and Chronic Coronary Artery Disease             Marcus D. Flather/ Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Trust, UK

           6. Cardiovascular Protection : Now is the Time to Act (노바티스)  좌 장 : 박의현, 이명묵

                         1) The Role of RAAS Inhibition in Hypertension and CVD Continuum             Prakash C. Deedwania / University of California, San Francisco, USA

           7. 칼슘차단제의 새로운 발견 (한미약품)         좌 장 : 배종화, 장성국

                         1) 칼슘차단제 상호 간의 혹은 다른 계열 약제와의 혈압강하 효과 비교       김상현/서울의대

                           2) 칼슘차단제의 혈압강하 이외의 효과 [Pleiotropic Effect]   박창규/고려의대


           8. Endothelial function in Cardiovascular Diseases- Role of Inflammation    (보령제약)             좌 장 : 김현승, 이우형

                         1) Inflammation-Mediated Endothelial Dysfunction in Humans: Role of Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte             Hidehiro Matsuoka/ Kurume University School of Medicine, Japan

                           2) Aspirin in Cardiovascular Diseases             채성철/경북의대

           9. New Insights in the CAD Treatments (아스트라제네카)             좌 장 : 전재은, 고재기

                         1) New Findings in Hypertension Drugs    Ove Krister Anderesson/Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Sweden

                           2) Statin Debate in Acute Coronary Syndrome             강덕현/울산의대

           [ 10월 12일 18:00 - 19:00 ]

           10. Role of RAAS Inhibitors for CV Disease (한독약품)  좌 장 : 노영무, 홍순조

                         1) Esprosartan in Hypertension and Beyond : Risk Reduction by Preventing Stroke   Martin Grond/Teaching Hospital of the University of Marburg, Germany

                           2) Power of Ramipril to Prevent CV Events and Diabetes : Evidence from HOPE to DREAM  고광곤/가천의대