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기상청 제공


[2/18]신경재생연구의 최신경향

신경재생연구의 최신경향


날짜   2006/02/18

장소  영남대학교 의과대학 종합강의동 1층 강당

평점  6 점




10:00~10:40 From embryonal cell to neurons                                   문신용(서울대)

10:40~11:10 Multilineage differentiation of embryonic stem cell and

                  their applications to neurological disease                       김동욱(연세대)

11:10~11:40 신경재생연구의 생리학적 최신경향                              강수경(부산대)

11:40~12:00 The role of consumers and concern of subjects in

                  developing the cure to paralysis                             김종배(피츠버그대)

13:00~13:40 Therapeutic interventions for acture spinal cord injury        오태환(경희대)

13:40~14:10 Applications of human neural stem cells genetically

                  modified with BDNF for spinal cord regeneration               안상호(영남대)

14:10~14:40 Tissue engineered spinal cord                                   이일우(가톨릭대)

14:40~15:10 treatment of complete spinal cord injury patients by autologous

                  bone marrow cell transplantation and administration of Granulocyte-

                  Macrophage colony stimulating factor(GM-CSF)                 하윤(인하대)

15:30~16:10 Human neural stem cells genetically modified for brain repair in

                  neurological disease                                                  김승업(아주대)

16:10~16:40 Applicaiton of human neuronal stem cells in that rat after

                  cerebral ischemia                                                      윤병우(서울대)

16:40~17:10 Tracking and functional evaluation of adipose tissue derived stem

                  cell treatment in rats with cerebral ischemia                    김용운(영남대)

17:10~17:40 Current status of stem cell application in brain disease     안영환(아주대)