2024.09.23 (월)

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  • 구름조금강릉 22.7℃
  • 흐림서울 21.7℃
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  • 맑음대구 25.7℃
  • 구름조금울산 23.8℃
  • 맑음광주 23.4℃
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  • 맑음고창 23.7℃
  • 구름많음제주 23.0℃
  • 구름많음강화 21.1℃
  • 구름조금보은 22.0℃
  • 맑음금산 23.5℃
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  • 구름조금경주시 25.0℃
  • 구름조금거제 24.9℃
기상청 제공


날짜   2005/10/07 ~ 2005/10/08


장소  제주, 라마다프라자호텔


평점  9 점  7일-3점, 8일-6점 



14:00~14:45 특별강연 I                                                               Peter Blake

14:45~15:30 특별강연 II - 한국신장학의 발전사                                    이정상

16:00~16:20 Blood pressure measurement and ABP monitoring                 서장원

16:20~16:40 Renovascular hypertension and ischemic nephropathy           이창화

16:40~17:00 Pharmacogenomics of antihypertensive drug responses          신재국

17:00~17:20 Emerging drugs in the management of hypertension                이종호


08:40~10:00 Management of CRF(II) 외                                       Peter Blake 외

10:30~11:45 특별강연 III                                                    W. Charles O' Neill

13:30~13:50 Molecular pathophysiology of Gitelman syndrome                  정해일

13:50~14:10 Epidemiologic study of D+ hemolytic uremic syndrome in Korea 이종국

14:10~14:30 Pathogenesis of childhood nephrotic syndrome                     고철우

14:30~14:50 Urinary screeing of school children in Korea                          박용훈

15:20~15:40 Immune mechanism of chronic graft nephropathy                    박수길

15:40~16:00 Nonimmune mechanism of chronic graft nephropathy               양철우

16:00~16:20 Recent and de novo renal disease                                      김찬덕

16:20~16:40 Immunosuppressive regimen for chronic allograft nephropathy   김중경